Reflection   “True hospitality is marked by an open response to the dignity of each and every person.”  –Kathleen Norris   Prayer   Loving God,  As we extend your compassionate ministry today, empower us to reflect your spirit of inclusi


Loving God,

As we extend your compassionate ministry today, empower us to reflect your spirit of inclusion in everything we do and say. May we be truly hospitable in every encounter, with patients and families in our facilities and with neighbors in our communities. Let everyone you send us to serve feel our hearts responding to their inestimable value—for you called them into being and love them just as much as you love us. With our colleagues and partners in ministry, may we foster a culture at work that better reflects your own unconditional love, allowing people to be their true selves as we all seek to serve the common good. Amen.

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

World Day of Migrants and Refugees


God of all,

In recognition of World Day of Migrants and Refugees, we ask you to open our eyes to see more clearly our fundamental unity, as one human family. Remind us of our solidarity as sisters and brothers across the globe, sharing a common origin and destiny, knowing that one day we all will be gathered before your throne. Until then we pray for those who lack or have been deprived of a stable dwelling in a land they call home. Let those of us who are so blessed continue extending helping hands to them, insisting that their dignity always be upheld as we serve them in tangible ways. As advocates of the sisters and brothers in need in our communities, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Naked I came forth from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I go back again. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD!” –Job 1:21   Prayer   Gracious God,  We acknowledge you as the source of


Gracious God,

We acknowledge you as the source of every good gift and we praise you for the many graces you show us each day. We also admit to the confusion and pain we feel when gifts we rely on are taken away from us, especially the gift of good health. For those who are struggling today with the loss of function and vitality, help us be a community of support and healing for them as they face the challenge of sickness and disease. Along with their loved ones, may we accompany them faithfully and somehow reveal your hope and goodness even in this time of trial. As we all look to you, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.”  –Albert Schweitzer   Prayer   Spirit of love,  Your call to serve others entails a paradox that we get to prove true in our exper


Spirit of love,

Your call to serve others entails a paradox that we get to prove true in our experience: by serving others, we somehow find ourselves the more richly blessed with abiding happiness and a job well done. As we work hard today to share your healing compassion with others, we pray that each one of our associates and leaders and partners would experience a deep sense of joy as they collectively perform so many acts of service. May our patients’ lives be blessed through so many faithful servants; and may those who serve be rewarded in knowing that, even in the smallest of gestures, they are ultimately serving you, the source of all blessing. Amen.


    Reflection   “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.” –George Carlin   Prayer   Spirit of hope,  We pray today against cynicism and unite before you, inviting you to fill us with more of your hope for the world. F


Spirit of hope,

We pray today against cynicism and unite before you, inviting you to fill us with more of your hope for the world. For those who are struggling with disappointment today, give them stamina to fan into flame their own sense of hope. Use us to do so! For our colleagues and patients and their families, for our own families and wider communities, help us to avoid growing bitter when the world falls out of step with your will. Instead make us bolder, all the more eager to express and embody the love you have for all people. In the hope of your kingdom among us, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.” –J. Hudson Taylor   Prayer   God our provider,  As we partner to extend your ministry in our communities today, we are emboldened by faith that you will provide


God our provider,

As we partner to extend your ministry in our communities today, we are emboldened by faith that you will provide all that we need to succeed in what is ultimately your mission among us. Strengthen this faith of ours, as we continue working diligently—staff and supplying our facilities, mobilizing services for the sake of neighbors, and bringing good help to those most vulnerable, especially the poor, dying, and underserved. For their sake especially, empower us to dream big and step forward, knowing you are with us every step of the way. Amen.

Mercy Day

Mercy Day


God of all,

Your son Jesus proclaimed that the blessed are those who seek justice, who make peace, and who serve the needs of their sisters and brothers. Following the example of Catherine McAuley, open our hearts to the inspiration of your Spirit, that we might reaffirm our dedication to serving the needs of all those we encounter, especially those who are poor and vulnerable. We offer this prayer in the name of the God who is mercy and compassion. Amen.