Reflection   “Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can’t buy more hours. Scientists can’t invent new minutes. And you can’t save time to spend it


God beyond time,

Some of us grieve time that we’ve wasted, yet you call us ever forward in the hope of a truly new day, another chance to make the most of the time you have given. Help us, therefore, not to dwell on mistakes in the past but instead to learn and move on by your grace and forgiveness, so that this day might be more filled with your light and love, in communion with others. Be gracious to us as a ministry, as we continue to grow in the directions you call us. May we all look back on this day with contentment, knowing we filled our time doing your good work in the world, especially for vulnerable people in their time of need. Amen.

Fall Equinox

Fall Equinox


Good Creator,

The beauty of autumn invites us to wonder at your creativity. The crispness in the air and the vibrant colors transforming each day signal a transition that captures our attention, reminding us to be more alert to this good world you have made and in which we belong. As we “officially” welcome fall today, let this season of transition be filled with opportunities for us, individually and together as a ministry, to reflect on your goodness and mercy in every season, so that we might reflect those same qualities to others. Amen.

World Gratitude Day

World Gratitude Day


Gracious God,

We will never run out of reasons to feel grateful, just as we will never run out of opportunities to express gratitude for all the incredible gifts in our lives. What a gracious mystery, that in your divine economy we can share our thanksgiving flagrantly and it is never depleted! For the people among us, for the good things in creation, for the benefits of good work done together, inspire us to express gratitude in tangible, uplifting ways. As we keep our hearts open to receiving and sharing the abundant life you have so richly poured out upon us, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “You are worth the quiet moments. You are worth the deep breaths, and you are worth the time it takes to slow down, be still, and rest.”  ~ Morgan Harper Nichols   Prayer   God of stillness,  We are called to spend qual


God of stillness,

We are called to spend quality time with you, but life can be so busy that we often let those chances pass us by.  Help us to realize the importance of taking life a bit slower, choosing to take moments of stillness in our day, and resting in gratitude at the day’s end for those experiences of your love.  There can never be too many moments of your presence with us, rather help us to recognize you in all our moments of the day.  Amen.


    Reflection   “Health care is not a luxury; it is for everyone.”  ~Pope Francis   Prayer   Living God,  As members of Catholic health care, we strive to care for and heal all those who walk through our doors each day.  Living ou


Living God,

As members of Catholic health care, we strive to care for and heal all those who walk through our doors each day.  Living out our values of Human Dignity and Compassion, we affirm each person’s right to receive health care, and though we may not always be able to cure, we always care with love and compassion.  Help us to be mindful of the privilege we share as a ministry, of reaching out to those in need, especially those who are poor, dying and underserved.  We pray this in your name. Amen.


    Reflection   “Flowers are the music of the ground. From earth’s lips spoken without sound.”  ~Edwin Curran   Prayer   God of Creation,  The fact that no two flowers are exactly alike inspires us to be grateful for our individuality.


God of Creation,

The fact that no two flowers are exactly alike inspires us to be grateful for our individuality.  Like fingerprints, we are all created in a unique and beautiful way. Guide us in celebrating our own uniqueness, and the uniqueness of each person on earth.  Gathered together, we resemble a beautiful bouquet of living souls, shining your brightness for all to see.  Amen.


    Reflection   “You do not just wake up and become a butterfly. Growth is a process.”  ~Author Unknown   Prayer   Loving God,  All of life here on Earth is a process, and each step of the way takes time.  As children, we are so e


Loving God,

All of life here on Earth is a process, and each step of the way takes time.  As children, we are so eager to grow and learn and become adults.  However, in reality we come to realize that life is a process that takes time to grow, incorporating what we have learned into what we become in our adult years. Sometimes we rush the growth too quickly, and then we must revert back to missed steps and learn them over again.  Thankfully, your patience with us never rushes us, but rather accepts each person in their own time.  Help us to be patient with others in the same way.  In gratitude, we pray. Amen.