Reflection   “We can fixate on what’s wrong and miss the joy in life, or we can acknowledge and accept imperfections and consciously choose to look beyond to the beauty and good.”    ~ Claire McGarry   Prayer   God of all that is go


God of all that is good,

Part of the beauty of this world is learning to accept the imperfections that surround us, allowing us to see that things do not need to be perfect in order to bless us with beauty and goodness. So much of life is based on perfectionism, which tends to squelch the joy out of fully living. Meanwhile, embracing imperfections can often allow us to see the joy of living through unforgettable memories and laughter, which we would have missed by being fixated on what’s wrong.  Thank you for granting us the freedom to not be perfect, but rather to be perfectly loved by you. Amen.


    Reflection   “Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.”     ~Madam CJ Walker   Prayer   God of Opportunities,  Each day presents us with a variety of experiences, both at home and in the work

God of Opportunities,

Each day presents us with a variety of experiences, both at home and in the workplace.  Often, we miss the chance to take advantage of the opportunities waiting for us that may make our lives better, leading to making a better world. When we focus on others, helping them where help is needed, we are creating life-giving opportunities which in turn will benefit many.  Guide us away from self-focus to other-focus so that more opportunities for good may arise. For this we pray. Amen.


   “Glorify the LORD with me, let us together extol his name. I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” –Psalm 34:4-5   Prayer    God who hears us,  We are often beset by fears of many kinds: a poor prognosis


God who hears us,

We are often beset by fears of many kinds: a poor prognosis, worries about a loved one in need, a crippling debt casting a shadow on the future. In such moments, help us recall the way your gracious presence has sustained us in the past and may we rest in your promise to be with us in the future, no matter what. May we be comforted knowing you hear the cries of our hearts and will answer, delivering us from our fears. For all those who are especially gripped by fear today, send us as trustworthy confidants they can rely on to hold them up, encouraging them to look to you and to share their burden with us. Amen.


    Reflection   “The most exciting breakthroughs of the twenty-first century will not occur because of technology, but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human.” –John Naisbitt    Prayer   Gracious God,  Today’s technolo


Gracious God,

Today’s technological culture gives us so much to be thankful for! At the same time, we know that the promises of technology are empty unless they become part of a bigger vision of what it means to be human together, in service to the flourishing of all people and the advancement of the common good. Help us as a ministry, to continue seeking your guidance in the ways we innovate and develop the incredible tools available through technology, so that your life-giving vision of justice and peace will continue to spread across all the areas we are privileged to serve. As one human family, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Compassion is a muscle that gets stronger with use.” –Mahatma Gandhi   Prayer   God of compassion,  We marvel today as we observe so many associates, partners, and colleagues expressing your heart of compassion to people in


God of compassion,

We marvel today as we observe so many associates, partners, and colleagues expressing your heart of compassion to people in need. They use their talents and skills to ensure patients receive the highest quality of care. May these good servants know of our gratitude today, and may they be inspired to go on flexing the muscles of their spirits as they bring good help to people in need. For those whose muscles of compassion are especially tired, we pray you would heal and fill them with your rejuvenating touch, and that we would come around them to encourage and support them in whatever ways we can. Amen.

Patriot Day

Patriot Day


Divine Healer,

On this day we pause to bear witness, not only to the suffering caused by such a tragedy as 9/11, but also to the power of community and the pathways of healing that allow us to emerge from the darkest of days and stand together. Continue to strengthen and transform us, as a people and nation, that we might better confront evil and pain with goodness and love. And may all those who are particularly stricken with grief today continue finding comfort and support in tangible ways. As those called by your name, longing to see your will be done on earth as in heaven, we pray. Amen.

World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day


Spirit of hope,

On World Suicide Prevention Day, help us remember that every simple act of kindness, even to a stranger, can become a powerful encounter with your transforming love and hope for the world. Indeed, as a ministry, we confess that your hope for the world is what inspires us and fuels our vision of a culture worth having. And so we pray, give us more of your hope! Fill and empower us to continue injecting hope to all those around us, as we continue striving to identify and respond effectively to the needs of all those we serve, and those we serve beside, whether they suffer in mind, body, or spirit. Amen.