Memorial of St. Ciarán of Clonmacnoise

Memorial of St. Ciarán of Clonmacnoise


God our protection,

We are inspired today by St. Ciarán’s legacy of leadership, in times that were often filled with tumult, challenge, and suffering. As we face our own tumultuous times today, help us to take refuge in you so we might find the joy that comes from living fully in your presence. For those who are lacking such joy today, help us steward our resources so as to concretely express your mercy to them. May we shelter and protect them and give them refuge, especially those who are the most vulnerable around us. For their sake, and the sake of all those in need of protection today, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “We need to find God, and God cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence.” –St. Teresa of Calcutta   Prayer   God of Peace,  So many are searching for the kind of peace that comes only from being


God of Peace,

So many are searching for the kind of peace that comes only from being in your presence. Yet the noise and clamor around us is constant. Where can we go to find you in silence? Even if only in the depths of our hearts, lead us deeper into friendship with silence today. Shelter us in the peace of at least one quiet moment, where we might be free to pause and discern your voice speaking to us. May we live in expectation, believing that all it takes is just one life-giving word from you, and all our storms are stilled. Amen.


    Reflection   “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” –Coretta Scott King   Prayer   God over all,  Bless us today with strength and focus, so we can serve our patients and f


God over all,

Bless us today with strength and focus, so we can serve our patients and families effectively, attentively, and compassionately. Encourage us to show greater compassion towards each other as well, so that, as partners in ministry, we may grow in our experience of community and move closer together to your goodness and grace. Let our sense for the work we share lift our spirits, as we realize the greatness of getting to partner with you and each other, extending your healing ministry for the life of the world. Together, we pray, amen.


    Reflection    “This holiness to which the Lord calls you will grow through small gestures.”  ~Pope Francis   Prayer   God of Kindness,  Each small gesture that we make in kindness to one another bears witness to your love.  So


God of Kindness,

Each small gesture that we make in kindness to one another bears witness to your love.  So often, we tend to focus on ‘What big things can I do?’ when in actuality it is the small things that we do for one another that speak of your love.  Help us to start each day with kindness in our hearts and minds so that as the day progresses, it will be natural for us to share kindness with all those we meet.  Amen.


    Reflection   “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”    ~Eleanor Roosevelt   Prayer   Dreamer God,  It was your dream for the world in creating us that we might embody your good purposes here on eart


Dreamer God,

It was your dream for the world in creating us that we might embody your good purposes here on earth. In doing so, we live each day trying to fulfill our own dreams and desires based on your example, which ultimately brings us closer to you. Guide us in following our dreams so that the paths and journeys we take are for the good of all humankind and serve your coming kingdom more fully.  We ask this believing you guide us each day. Amen.


    Reflection    “Love is a fruit in season at all times and within the reach of every hand.”  ~Mother Teresa   Prayer   God of Love,  We come to you each day, the Source of true love, knowing that no matter what this day holds, you wi


God of Love,

We come to you each day, the Source of true love, knowing that no matter what this day holds, you will always love us.  Your unconditional love for us, for all creation, is unwavering.  Help us to love in this same manner, not with certain conditions or with preference for certain people, rather help us to spread our wings of love to each person we meet, so they come to know your love more fully.  We ask this in your name, Amen.

World Alzheimer’s Month

World Alzheimer’s Month


Gracious God,

So many in our world today struggle with Alzheimer’s disease. They often do not remember their loved ones, or even who they are at the moment. During this month of September, allow us to become more aware of the needs of our patients who struggle with Alzheimer’s each day, and reach out to them with compassion and kindness. They may not remember who we are, but they will know how much we care. We pray, Amen.