



Holy God, we know that life can be difficult. We can have difficult days, challenging times, stressful experiences. And yet, we know that you are with us in all things. Strengthen our trust in you. Fill us with the gift of your Holy Spirit, that we might face the challenges of life with courage and hope. Console us in painful times and inspire within us a willingness to always begin again. Amen.




Merciful God, we know that all too often in life we fall short of the mark. And yet, we trust in your mercy. We thank you for the opportunity to begin again and to strive to become the people you have created and called us to be. Give us the courage not only to accept your forgiveness but to offer forgiveness to those who have harmed us. Enlighten our hearts that we might pursue reconciliation with all our sisters and brothers. Amen.




God of goodness and justice, though we are passing through a dark valley in our history, we trust in your presence and goodness. Help us to be particularly mindful of all those who work each day to keep us safe and secure. In a special way, we pray for the women and men of Bon Secours Mercy Health who risk their lives daily to create a safer and healthier world. Hear us as we call to you and walk with us as we continue along this challenging path. We pray in your name. Amen.




Gracious God, each day the news confronts us with the challenges we face as individuals and as communities. Each day, we face the temptation to give in to our fears, anxieties, and mistrust. Each day, we come to you that you might support us in the face of such temptations. Encourage us to be people of hope and increase our trust in the goodness of our shared future. We pray in your name. Amen.