Ramadan Begins
“Surely silence can sometimes be the most eloquent reply.” —ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib
All-wise Creator,
As our Muslim neighbors and colleagues begin the season of Ramadan this evening, we all take time to reflect on the state of our spirits and to pray for a greater sense of community, unity, and a shared pursuit of the common good. In a culture particularly prone to amplify speech that pollutes our connections as one human family, help us regain the wisdom of silence and make us willing to purify our discourse together. May we hunger for your word above all else, that we might embody its life-giving power in ways that promote your vision of health and well-being for all. Amen.
Call to Action
Practice the wisdom of silence today. When tempted to join in empty or hurtful speech, let silence suffice as my best reply.