“[God] endows people with knowledge,
to glory in his mighty works,
Through which the doctor eases pain,
and the druggist prepares his medicines.
Thus God’s work continues without cease
in its efficacy on the surface of the earth.” –Sirach 38:6-8
Divine healer,
We are grateful to serve as partners with you in this incredible ministry of healing! You have blessed us with the gifts of knowledge and insight, enabling us to extend a rich tradition of healing, cure, and care. As caregivers, physicians, technicians, responders, and so many others unite their skills in service to our mission, may they be more inspired and more effective in the good work they are doing, in your name and for your glory. Amen.
Call to Action
Be on the lookout today for a colleague who could use a word of encouragement in the work they are doing. Share it!