
“Who does not grow, declines.” –Rabbi Hillel


God who calls,

There is a basic principle in nature, which applies as much to us as the rest of creation. We have not been designed to remain stagnant or simply maintain the growth we’ve attained. Rather, you made us and call us to continue to grow and develop as persons, attending to every dimension of who we are before you—mind, body, and spirit. Give us new vigor today to pursue new directions and to be willing to grow in new ways. For our own sake, but especially for those around us who are waiting for the good help and compassion we have to offer. As people and as a ministry gathered before you, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

What am I doing to cultivate new growth in myself, as a person, in relationships, and in my broader engagement with the world around me? Is it time to start something new?