
“The light of God surrounds us; The love of God enfolds us; The power of God protects us; The presence of God watches over us; Wherever we are, God is!” –James Dillet Freeman


God who journeys with us,

We offer a special prayer today for those who serve so faithfully at the bedside. We speak a blessing over them and ask you to be their wellspring of mercy, compassion, and stamina. By faith we believe that your presence goes with us in all that we do. In every room we enter, in every encounter, in every challenge and triumph and even in failure. Yes, you are with us. Let all caregivers be that much more aware of your presence today. And may our patients and families be all the more comforted, having encountered a peace beyond understanding, in the words and deeds of those who care for them. Amen.

Call to Action

How can I be an advocate of peace and comfort in the spaces I share with others today? Be deliberate about the presence I carry into every room I enter and every conversation I share.