“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” –Mahatma Gandhi
Love beyond words,
Lead us to pray with our hearts. So that, when words fall short and we’re unable to speak, our souls will still find rest in your love and healing. As we live into this day and all it contains, empower us to pray without ceasing so that our souls’ deepest longings will be more anchored in you. And for all those today who are especially restless or weak, in mind, body, or spirit, give them your peace. Impel us to show them your heart of concern. In the love you pour out so richly upon us each day, we pray. Amen.
Call to Action
Who around me seems especially restless and weak at heart? Think of a wordless way to show them compassion and love and share it with them today.