
“To have faith, we must let go. Faith is like swimming the backstroke, reaching above and behind into an unknown we cannot see. Faith is like driving forward with only the rearview mirror as a guide.” –Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi


Wonder-working God,

Being human means living by faith at least to some degree. Even to get out of bed and expect that the sun will still rise! Yet you have given us all the more reason to put our faith in you, completely and without condition. As a ministry together, build up our faith more, so that we may let go of what’s behind us and boldly embrace the future that you are crafting for us. With creativity, innovation, and a passion for service to others, may we embody our faith for tomorrow. Amen.

Call to Action

Where in my life is faith calling me to let go and move forward? Be bold today to take a new step into my calling. Ask a trusted friend to help me keep going!