
“We know so many things, but we don’t know ourselves!” –Meister Eckhart


All-knowing God,

Despite our advancements and technology and all of our so-called “progress,” still we remain a mystery to ourselves. Events transpire that leave us shaking our heads, painfully aware that your human family on earth is just as desperate for wisdom and understanding as ever. We are a people in need of transformation. To that end, help us better to understand one another and to unite around the things that matter: belonging and community, love and relationship, mutual respect and support. Lead us to know and understand ourselves better, so that all may flourish in the way you desire. Amen.

Call to Action

Take time today to consider my habits of self-reflection. Do I need to take further steps in meditation and contemplation or some other spiritual practice, which can lead me further in understanding who I am and why I am here?