
“Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a treasure. Faithful friends are beyond price, no amount can balance their worth. Faithful friends are life-saving medicine; those who fear God will find them. Those who fear the Lord enjoy stable friendship, for as they are, so will their neighbors be.” Sirach 6:14-17


Divine Friend,

In spite of all our tools and technologies promising “connection,” we know that many among us report feeling lonely and friendless, struggling to sustain a supportive circle of friendship. If we count ourselves among those blessed with an abundance of friends, help us be glad and not take them for granted. Let us be open to practicing inclusion and welcoming strangers. If we are among those wanting for connection, help us practice the virtue of being the friend we wish to have. Let our acts of humility amount to a new change of culture, in which all people find belonging and love within this one human family. Amen.

Call to Action

How are my friendships doing? Reach out deliberately to a friend I haven’t connected with in a while. Or try to be open to new encounters to receive the gift of friendship.

For the upcoming celebration of Veterans Day, click HERE for the prayer video.