Spiritual Care Week

Spiritual Care Week


“Spiritual healing does not restore a person to the place they were before the illness. It provides a more comprehensive health care package.” –Diane M. Komp


Healer divine,

We will never find resolve to our questions of “why,” underneath the suffering and pain we experience and witness in the lives of others. Yet you have given us every reason to believe that you are with us in every circumstance and can lead us into new depths of healing, deeper than how things look on the surface. Give us hope for such healing today, for ourselves as much as for those we have the privilege of serving. Our patients and families and our wider communities. Help us accompany them as you have sent us to do, attending especially to the spiritual health of all. Amen.

Call to Action

What does spiritual health look like for myself and my family, my colleagues and friends, and those I have the privilege of serving? Take a comprehensive account of health and well-being today and recommit to serving the greater good.