
“God realization does not begin in a cave high atop the Himalayas. It begins in the pots and pans of the kitchen. Treat all of your tasks, however small, as opportunities to see God and serve Him.”
–Swami Sivananda


God of work,

Wherever we serve and whatever the task, help us be glad for the work that we have. Let us take on our assignments with humility and joy, grateful that you have trusted us to serve you in this way, even as we serve the people and places around us. Let the people and places around us be blessed by our presence, whether we are sweeping the floors or excising tumors. May we see your more clearly each day, through the commitments we make to serve as you served. For the life of the world, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

Recommit myself to approach all of my tasks as a sincere opportunity to bless the world
around me.