
“Becoming like Jesus is as much as about having a relaxed and joyful heart as it is about believing and doing the right thing.” –Ronald Rolheiser


Joyful Redeemer,

Our approach to religion can get out of balance. We know that beliefs are important, but so is our basic demeanor in the world around us. Our overall posture day in and day out, as we bump up against others. Jesus’ own example reveals that finding our way through your world depends upon more than just beliefs and right actions, it depends on developing a certain kind of heart that is at home in the world. A relaxed and joyful heart. A heart healed of anxiety and delivered from worry. A heart more like Jesus. May this kind of heart become ours today, as we strive to serve others and embody our mission together. Amen.

Call to Action

Take time and think of the personal qualities of my spiritual heroes. What kind of heart did they exude that I can seek to practice more intentionally today?