Memorial of St. John Vianney

Memorial of St. John Vianney


“All our religion is but a false religion . . . if we have not that universal charity for everyone—for the good, and for the bad, for the poor and for the rich, and for all those who do us harm as much as those who do us good.” –St. John Vianney


Indiscriminate Love,

It’s easy for us to love those we like and especially those who love us in return. Yet you call us to discover love’s greater depths. You call us to show love to all people, no matter who they are or what they can do for us. As we celebrate the life and love of St. John Vianney today, we are reminded that our religion—our bond with you—is “true” only if it leads us to show universal charity for everyone, without condition. And so we ask you again to lead us, as we strive to practice new depths of love today. Amen.

Call to Action

Remind myself today that love is a choice. Choose to show love without discrimination, embracing all people I encounter today in the dignity of their creation.