“Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being.” –Rumi
God of simplicity,
Sometimes we expect too little of ourselves, not too much. Failing to find a singular purpose and calling, we get tied up in knots by trying to go a million directions at once. Wisdom calls us to pursue a better way. As saints and sages attest, it’s the divided self who grows weary and tired, whereas a genuine vocation demands our whole being. If we would give our whole selves to a purpose and mission bigger than us, we may find our way to simplicity and peace. Make it so for each of us today! As we respond more and more to your calling and purpose for us, give us refreshment and joy in the path you provide. Amen.
Call to Action
Take a break today simply to breathe and let go of distraction. Reflect upon the singular purpose to which I am called, even as I return to the many tasks and duties that make up my day.