Feast of St. Benedict

Feast of St. Benedict


“On arising for the work of God, they will quietly encourage each other, for the sleepy like to make excuses.” –from St. Benedict’s guide for communal life


God of my colleagues,

We give thanks today and celebrate the holy humanity of St. Benedict, who was so influential in establishing authentic communities, fueled by everyday service and practical love. In our own ministry of health care, we recall that our “hospitals” today are extensions of the tradition that Benedict fanned into flame, expressing care for the sick and showing real “hospitality” to travelers needing shelter and care. Benedict’s practical spirit reminds us that being saintly never means being less than human. Inspired by his example, and as we share in your work, may we encourage one another as we offer hospitality and care to those we serve. Amen.

Call to Action

Consider today some ways I can provide genuine hospitality to those in need of shelter and care.