“Understanding is love’s other name.” –Thích Nhất Hạnh
God of my neighbor,
We confess there are times when we do not try to understand each other. Perhaps because we do not really know how. When so many issues seem so obvious to us, gun control, vaccines, social spending, and so on, as conversations like these grip us in conscience, lead us not into temptation. Lead us not into the temptation to become selfish in spirit, no longer understanding that we are one with “those people” we otherwise deem so alien. Deliver us from the evil of dehumanizing neighbors as we push forward agendas for fixing the world. Rather, keep us mindful of the love that you show to us. Let us dwell in your love so as to seek understanding, and find our way forward into the new life you have promised. Together. Amen.
Call to Action
Consider for a few minutes today whether or not I have room in my heart for people who see the world so differently than me. Try and make space once again.