Feast of The Irish Martyrs
“For this cause I would be willing to die not once but a thousand deaths.” –Bl. Dominic Collins
Life eternal,
We remember today your many faithful witnesses, who shared your good news and embodied your love in the face of misunderstanding, hostility, and even the threat of death. We especially remember today the Irish Martyrs of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, who were willing to share in the ultimacy of your sacrifice, upon their own soil within their own homeland. In memory of them and others like them today, we pray for the day when our world is transformed and death will be no more, when no one will pay for their faith, hope, and love with their lives. Until that day comes, may we all consider more thoughtfully that the way we face death is another way we face life. Amen.
Call to Action
Consider the loves that are most important to me and how I bear witness to them. Do my words and especially my deeds reveal the depth of my loves?