World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day


“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” –Winston Churchill


Lifegiving God,

Could there be a greater demonstration of our common humanity, than that we can share with each other the substance of life, our very own blood? On this World Blood Donor Day, we give thanks for all those who already participate in this simple and profound act, gladly giving life for the sake of others in need. May they be blessed for their selflessness. Yet we pray as well and most urgently, in view of the great need for safe blood across the whole world, we pray for others to be inspired, showing solidarity by way of donation. As we all give thanks for the life you have put in our veins, we pray. Amen.

 Call to Action

Become more aware of the need for safe blood products in my community and world today. When do I next plan to donate?