
“We must nourish a great love for God and our neighbors; a strong love, an ardent love, a love that burns away imperfections, a love that gently bears an act of impatience, or a bitter word; a love that lets an inadvertence or act of neglect pass without comment, a love that lends itself readily to an act of charity.” –St. Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad


Loving God,

We often speak in varied ways about love, yet we all know the truth: love is the most powerful force for change in the world! Give us a passion to cultivate a love for our neighbor and for you, which takes us beyond empty gestures and sentiments. Heal us of whatever prevents your love from flowing through us and transforming a world in need. Amen.  

Call to Action

Take a few minutes to think about how I speak about love. Consider ways I can deepen my love for the neighbors I encounter today.