Center for Ministry Formation

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“If someone who has worldly means sees a brother in need and refuses him compassion, how can the love of God remain in him?” –1 John 3:17


Love in Action,

We will forever be grateful for the love you have poured out for humanity. May we always remember that to abide in your love never means less than showing compassion for others in this one human family, in real and tangible ways. Your love should inspire us to clothe the naked, liberate the oppressed, advocate for the weak, and heal those who are sick. Help us embody your love today in these ways. Let those who have extra share with those who have less and may we all draw closer to you by drawing close to those most in need of compassion. Amen.

Call to Action

Find a new way to put love into action today by showing compassion to a brother or sister in need.