World Health Day
“Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.” –United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
God over all,
Your world bears the stamp of a grand design, which we have not always respected. Thinking ourselves masters over nature, we have abused the environment you gave us. In big and small ways, we have offended your hospitality, neglecting the home you gave us to tend. Now so many creatures, including us, show signs of such suffering. Our prayer today is thus one of sorrow. But it is also a prayer of hope. As creatures made in your image, we have been gifted with such remarkable inventiveness, creativity, and ingenuity. Help us to have fortitude and stamina to use these gifts wisely in new ways, making real changes to turn your world around. For the life of the world we pray, Amen.
Call to Action
In keeping with this year’s theme for World Health Day, “Our planet, our health,” take time today to consider what one change I can make to improve my environment.