Memorial of St. Catherine of Siena

Memorial of St. Catherine of Siena


“God is closer to us than water is to a fish.” –St. Catherine of Siena


Holy God,

Today we draw inspiration by remembering the life of St. Catherine of Siena. In a time of widespread plague and poverty, Catherine nursed those who were sick and poor with a generous, fearless spirit. In a time of political hostility, she travelled widely and effectively as an ambassador of peace. In a time of moral confusion and wayward leadership, she called for reform in the Church and corrected church leaders with such wisdom and clarity we hail her now as a Doctor of the Church. For this saint’s inspiring life, we give thanks and pray for a share in her boldness, for the sake of our mission today. Amen.

Call to Action

Spend a few minutes considering my calling and how I am using the gifts I’ve been given in service to the greater good. Make adjustments as needed!