
“At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.”
–Jean Houston


God of laughter and joy,

Laughter is so liberating! Yet we often feel cramped by our worries and cares, and it looks like people around us are, too. We see people each day who need a new taste of freedom after so much exhaustion, pain, and anxiety. For these especially, let something hilarious be given to them today, to lift up their hearts and brighten their eyes. Let laughter give way to a new zest for life, work, and play, as if new possibilities were now open before us. Let it be so, Amen.

Call to Action

Do not trivialize the need for humor. Embrace it, so that laughter may bubble and a spirit of refreshment can open new paths for living, working, and playing alongside others today.