“But if we do not dream, then I think perhaps we are misusing our heads. They are not on our shoulders only to be farms for hair.” –Brian Doyle
God of our dreams,
Our heads have been spinning the past few years. As we struggle to make sense of where we have been and where we are going, revive our expectations for where dreams can take us. Banish from our hearts the voices of cynics who see no point in dreaming. We know too much history to share the opinion that dreaming is impractical. Lead us to dream in step with you, to be gifted with prophetic vision and voice so that, somehow, we might energize a people towards creating a future worthy of our children. Amen.
Call to Action
When I have some free time today, put down the phone and ignore the feeds. Sit patiently and dream of a future worth giving to the next generation.