World Down Syndrome Day
“I always say I am Pablo Pineda and that I have Down’s syndrome. There is a big difference between ‘having’ and ‘being.’ ‘Being’ can crush you down and ‘having’ shows it is only one feature.”
–Pablo Pineda
God over all,
Today is a welcome occasion for us to continue celebrating the gifts and contributions of all those persons affected by Down syndrome. We join our voices with theirs and advocate for the full and effective inclusion of persons with trisomy 21. In societies all across the world, in our families and communities, we recognize the truth: we are better together in all our diversity! Amen.
Call to Action
In keeping with this year’s theme of inclusion for World Down Syndrome Day, take some time to myself to think about what inclusion means in my daily life. How am I creating a more inclusive environment for those with Down syndrome or with other disabilities?