Center for Ministry Formation

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“The test of faith is whether I can make space for difference. Can I recognize God’s image in someone who is not in my image, whose language, faith, ideals, are different from mine? If I cannot, then I have made God in my image instead of allowing him to remake me in his.”
–Rabbi Jonathan Sacks


Healing God,

The divisions, inequalities, and rights violations across our societies are cause for such grief! Our hearts break, and yours, too… Inspire us to be faithful and active participants in remaking our neighborhoods and building up a culture of dignity for all. Let our faith become action, as we make space for difference and welcome you in the gift of each other. Heal this broken world through us, one heart at a time. Amen.

Call to Action

Be brave enough today to welcome every person I meet as a special creature before God. Make space for my engagements to become truly transformational rather than simply transactional.