St. Patrick’s Day
“I arise today / Through God’s strength to pilot me: / God’s might to uphold me, / God’s wisdom to guide me, / God’s eye to look before me, / God’s ear to hear me, / God’s word to speak for me, / God’s hand to guard me, / God’s way to lie before me. . . .” –from Lúireach Phádraig
(St. Patrick’s Breastplate)
God among us,
Today we celebrate St. Patrick and his incredible ministry and legacy, which continues to inspire such a rich and deep spirituality, inviting us to see your presence in all things. Yes, even the most mundane things are transparent to your goodness and love to us. If we are looking! Grant us, then, a share in Patrick’s vision, as we welcome you and acknowledge you in all our doing and being today. Amen.
Call to Action
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day today with friends and colleagues.