World Cancer Day National Wear Red Day (US)
World Cancer Day
National Wear Red Day (US)
“Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin.”
–St. Teresa of Calcutta
Healing God,
We hold in our hearts all of those affected by cancer. Friends and family and neighbors. Those now in the fight, those still under threat, and all those who’ve passed on. May we honor them all by not wasting our days, but instead make the most of the time you have given. We remember as well the victims of heart disease. We wear red today to show our support, and to raise greater awareness for the need for prevention and cure and compassion. For both these great causes, help us extend every effort to be agents of change and bring your healing to all. One day, we know, all suffering will cease, and disease itself will be defeated. Until that day comes, let Mother Teresa’s words be our own: “we have only today, let us begin.” We pray as one ministry, united by your call to heal, Amen.
Call to Action
Display my support in a visible way today for the prevention, cure, and compassionate care of all those affected by cancer and heart disease—our patients, their families, and their
wider communities.