Rare Disease Day
Rare Disease Day
“Your body cannot heal without play. Your mind cannot heal without laughter. Your soul cannot heal without joy.” –Catherine Ripperger Fenwick
Healing God,
Today we lift up all those affected by rare conditions and diseases. For them and their families, we ask you to protect and preserve them in mind, body, and spirit. And if they are ever tempted to feel isolated or alone in their suffering, may we in this ministry stand up and stand out as a community of healing, eager to accompany them in every way. With your heart of compassion, may we extend your embrace to all who are vulnerable, inviting them to share in life-giving play, laughter, and joy. Amen.
Call to Action
Be mindful today of all those who suffer from rare conditions. Make a special effort today to welcome play, laughter, and joy into my community of life and service.