
“The Gospel is not a fire insurance policy for the next world, but a life assurance policy for this world.” –Richard Rohr


Word of Life,

The ministry of your son, Jesus, reveals the depths to which you will go to affirm and redeem this human life we have been given. We know a more blessed future awaits us, yet our hope is alive here and now, anchored in the blessings you have already poured out. For the sake of the here and now, lead us to unite our gifts and our talents so that, as one ministry called by your name, we might extend your good news and affirm life together, in big and small ways. Use us today, to redeem the real world in which we live, work, and play. For our neighbors, friends, family, and communities, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

Take a 5-minute walk today, simply to name and affirm all the blessings—great and small—that I have received so far in this day.