Presidents’ Day (US) | International Mother Language Day (UN)

Presidents’ Day (US) | International Mother Language Day (UN)


“Our country is made up of pluralism, diversity. A lot of different kinds of people. But that’s not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength. Some people have said that our nation is a melting pot. It’s not. . . We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic.”  ~ Jimmy Carter


God over all,

Today is cause for double celebration. With our American colleagues, we honor and celebrate the legacy of presidents like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, whose birthdays we also acknowledge this month. At the same time, we give thanks for the remarkable diversity of languages spoken across the globe, which give voice and expression to the cultural riches of the whole human family. As the world’s many tongues are threatened by globalization, we pray that the American ideal of unity-in-diversity might be more and more realized, within its own borders and beyond. With thanks for those leaders who have championed the strength of our diversity, we pray, Amen.

Call to Action

As I celebrate President’s Day, pay special attention to the languages and accents spoken around me in the course of the day. As a citizen of the world, be glad for the fact that we do not all sound
the same.