“May you come to inherit the blessings of your kindness, and never be without care and love when winter enters your own life.” –John O’Donohue
Fount of Every Blessing,
We pray today for all our caregivers. Those you have gifted, equipped, and called to bless others with genuine kindness and quality care. We ask that they might receive a double portion of blessing in return for all of their service. As they continue each day, extending your ministry in times of challenge and change, fill them with the care and love that they need to be healthy and whole, fulfilled in the work they perform. And when they enter particular seasons of adversity or pain and need care themselves, may they find a community of support already there, eager to serve them as they have served others. Amen.
Call to Action
Of my colleagues and friends, who is most in need of some loving care and concern right now? Take time today to bless and support them.