All Saints’ Day
“Beloved: See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are.” –1 John 3:1
Life-giving God,
What a gift it is to belong to your family! As we pray and reflect today upon the lives of those souls already living in the light of your glory, inspire us to follow their example by loving you and each other with steadfast devotion and genuine affection. In the fellowship of your family, our unique differences are unveiled not as causes for division but, indeed, for unity. We are given to see that we are sisters and brothers joined in a holy communion and called to become saints ourselves. Inspire us to do so today, by loving you and serving each other—especially those who are poor, dying, and underserved. In honor of those who have gone before us, Amen.
Call to Action
Devote my attention today to remembering and celebrating the lives of those who show me what true love and selfless service looks like.