
“Nature gave us two ends—one to sit on and one to think with.  Ever since then, a person’s success or failure has been dependent on the one they used most.” –George R. Kirkpatrick


God of all wisdom,

In our personal and professional lives, we are often beset by a lack of self-awareness. In times of stress and anxiety especially, we make decisions and respond to others without even thinking, basing our words and deeds on instinct and reflex, rather than self-conscious attention and foresight. Heal us of our weakness and lead us to be more conscientious, level-headed partners with the people around us. You saw fit to gift us with such powerful minds—help us to use them rightly! For the success of your mission, together we pray, Amen.

Call to Action

Devote a few minutes to thinking about the parts of my work routine that I am in danger of releasing to “auto-pilot.” How can I be more mindful and self-aware, for the sake of others?