“Despair is anger with no place to go.” –Mignon McLaughlin
Righteous God,
There are things that are wrong in our world and they ought to be right. Remind us today that it is okay to be mad when they’re not. You speak in your Word of your own righteous anger. And you showed us in person how upsetting it is to find human-made obstacles in the way of your healing. When your plans for peace are thwarted by human ambitions, when care and compassion are stifled by the hunger for power, when good help is undermined by self-serving causes… In times like these, help us avoid the many wrong ways to be angry. Lead us instead to find new and creative right ways to channel frustration in healthy directions, which will finally be fruitful for all. Amen.
Call to Action
Take time to consider how I’m processing anger these days. Find help as needed to express my anger in healthy directions.