
“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” –Thích Nhất Hạnh


We are living in difficult and challenging times. People are stressed and overworked. And we are all struggling to find ways to make it through the day, to remain positive, kind, and joyful. Help us, for the sake of this patient, this family, this neighbor before me, all made in your image, to summon the courage to be kind, to extend compassion, to live in hope. We, too, feel anger and frustration, or just feel numb to our demanding world. Empower us with moral conviction to meet anger with kindness, frustration with calm, and numbness with the gift of loving presence. In choosing your way, may we be refreshed as your joy renews our spirits. Come, Holy Spirit. Amen.

Call to Action

Revisit the well-being resources at BSMH. What resources might help me remain positive and joyful in the midst of challenging times?