Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
“Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.
Creative Spirit,
We give thanks today for your servant, Martin Luther King, Jr., and his immense sacrifice on behalf of social justice and human equality. To remember Dr. King is to remember what he stood for: the affirmation, recognition, and the unflinching defense of the human person, made in your image and thus bestowed with an inalienable dignity. However much the forces of a broken world seek to degrade and erode this dignity, we pledge to be among those who will pursue its protection with creativity and dedication. In gratitude for all those like Dr. King, who dream your dreams and pledge their lives to see them come true, even at pain of death, we pray. Amen.
Call to Action
Renew my commitment to affirm and defend the dignity of all those I meet today.