
“The world will never starve for want of wonders; but only for want of wonder.”
–G. K. Chesterton


Wonderful Creator,

How sad it must make you to craft a day like today, in all its uniqueness, only for us to then drift through its hours and never notice its beauty. The wonders you’ve placed in our paths, the little invitations to be glad for this life, all the colors that blaze in our vision—we often overlook these gifts. As the routines of “adulting” make our senses grow dull, we humbly ask you to fill us with wonder again. Restore to us a joyful expectation, that we will be sure to find signs of your loving attention in the course of our days. For those who are especially downcast, we pray you will bless them with an abundance of rest, that they may open their eyes on a new world tomorrow. Amen.

Call to Action

Take time to enjoy nature somewhere today. Find something new about my usual environment that has so far escaped my notice.