National Day of Prayer
“The Lord is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon the Lord in truth.” ~ Psalm 145:18
“Recommend to the people a day of public thanksgiving and prayer.”
~ George Washington
Lord of all,
Today we celebrate our National Day of Prayer. May this celebration renew our commitment to call upon you in trust and hope. May this day affirm the bonds of unity that exist among all people of faith. Gracious God, in times of struggle, you are our rock. In times of upheaval, you are our peace. In times of difficulty and pain, you are our hope. May our common prayer draw us closer to you, enliven our love for one another, and strengthen our dedication to building a world of justice and peace. We pray in the name of the God who is the source of light and life for all creation. Amen.
Call to Action
Take time today to spend in prayer, consciously uniting my prayer to the prayers of all people of faith and good will.