
“Respect for the dignity of the human person is the foundational principle of any just society. From a Catholic perspective, it also forms the foundation of all of our church’s social teachings.”
~ Salvatore Cordileone


Creator of all,

You are the source of our being. In you, all things and all people find their origin. Help us to recognize and accept the dignity that is ours because we have been created in your image and likeness. Give us the courage to promote and defend the dignity of all, wherever it is threatened and wherever it needs support. May our recognition of the dignity of all people draw us closer to one another and advance the cause of the kingdom of God for which your son Jesus died and was raised. In his name, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

What one action can I take, or one commitment can I make, that will help promote and defend the dignity of all, especially people who are poor, vulnerable, and marginalized in our society?