December 30, 2021
“Self-control is the steady capacity to direct yourself to accomplish what you have chosen or decided to do and be, even though you don’t feel like it.” –Dallas Willard
God of New Life,
As a New Year approaches, many of us begin to look back and review where we have been and where we currently are. This can be a motivational exercise, but we are also prone to be harsh on ourselves. With great expectations we begin to make plans and set goals and create a whole new existence from scratch in our heads. We have very creative imaginations! Save us from ourselves. Help us be patient with our many self-transformations. May we rely on the gift of self-control, expressed in our day-to-day commitments and faithfulness, to become over time the people you’ve made us to be, to do those things we know we should do, even when we don’t feel like it. Amen.
Call to Action
What are my goals for the new year? Take time to consider the concrete steps I am undertaking to bring such goals to reality. If necessary, adjust.