“We have stories to tell, stories that provide wisdom about the journey of life. What more have we to give one another than our ‘truth’ about our human adventure as honestly and as openly as we know how?” –Rabbi Saul Rubin
Author of Life,
It isn’t easy for us to be vulnerable. Even among friends it can be hard to share our weaknesses and struggles. It’s even harder in public, where the pressure to appear perfect is stronger than the freedom to be honest about the lives we are leading. Social media and other outlets tempt us to display an endless string of apparent successes, in our families, our jobs, and even our hobbies. Help us do better, by remembering that nobody’s perfect, and that wisdom is found in the way we learn from mistakes. Through your transforming grace, help us form communities where acceptance and sympathy are stronger than the fear of judgment. Where the stories we share become part of a shared process of healing, learning, and growth. Together we pray, Amen.
Call to Action
Listen carefully to the stories being shared by friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. Be mindful of any wisdom they contain and be grateful.