Memorial of St. John of the Cross

Memorial of St. John of the Cross


“The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light.” –St. John of the Cross


Light of the World,

You called us out of darkness and into your marvelous light. But still there are shadows and the journey takes time. As we seek to remain on the path you have shown us, help us to trust you will lead us through times of great darkness. Remind us that nothing can separate us from your love and inspire us to believe that our trials are nothing compared to the joy set before us. For the sake of those whose way has grown especially dim, fill them with hope and build their resilience. Help us to serve them by sharing the light in our hearts. Amen.

Call to Action

Who do I know that is struggling right now with direction in life? Think of them today and, if able, send an encouraging word that may brighten their way.