


“Forever on Thanksgiving the heart will find the pathway home.” –Wilbur D. Nesbit


Gracious God,

Thanksgiving occupies such a powerful place in our hearts. For some it is a source of love’s warmth, as we gather together and offer our gifts of thanks, for each other and the good things that fill our lives. For others, these same gatherings are painful and strained, as we are confronted all over again with the wounds of old stories. Above all this difference, God, we ask you to bless every heart with a sense of your faithfulness to us. We are one human family in need of your grace, and you have not left us empty. And so with thanks in our hearts, we ask you to bless every table, whatever the fare, so that all might enjoy an abundance of peace today and a real sense of belonging. Amen.

Call to Action

Pause today at least once, to count my blessings and give thanks. Have the boldness to voice my gratitude to another for their presence in my life.