“If the LORD were not my help, I would long have been silent in the grave.
When I say, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your mercy, LORD, holds me up.”
–Psalm 94:17-18
Where would we be without you, God?
Left to our own devices in a world of upheaval, we struggle to find secure footing. Living on guard, knowing that one wrong step is all it could take to trigger disaster: one lost paycheck, one bad accident, one poor decision. Our lives often feel fragile, Lord. Show us your mercy. By your sustaining power, may we walk into the future you’ve planned for us—confident, and trusting your goodness. Amen.
Call to Action
When I see someone who appears to be slipping today, let me be the one to show them support. If that person slipping is me, let me have strength to admit it, and to speak out my need.