
“Planting seeds inevitably changes my feelings about rain.” –Luci Shaw


Lord of Heaven and Earth,

So many things happen that are beyond our control. The rains will come whether we want them or not. And yet this is a gift we’ve been given: to remain creatures before you. When this is forgotten and we aspire to your place, we lose all our sense and live in delusion, as if we were so powerful as to design our own worlds. So, whatever our tools and the might of our technologies, let us remember you, God, and recall who we are in this world you have made. All of us are farmers in one way or another, planting our seeds of myriad hopes. Be gracious upon our work, Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, and may we be glad for the harvest. In your name we pray, Amen.

Call to Action

A lot can be learned from a plant. Wherever I work or play today, locate a plant and consider its life.